Emulsifiable concentrate which is technical grade insecticide dissolved in a solvent solution with emulsifying agents so that it can be further diluted with water. This type of formulation is highly penetrative.
Ants, cockroaches, fleas, spiders, silverfish, moths, carpet beetles, mosquitos, biting flies, termites, quarantine timber insects, auger beetles, powder post beetles, pinhole borers, furniture beetles, drywood termites and lawn armyworm.
Domestic, Commercial, Industrial, Aircraft, Lawns, Ovals, Amenity Areas, Carpets, Fabric and Clothing and Remedial Treatment of Timbers.
Pounce is for surface treatment only and should not be sprayed into the atmosphere using foggers or other machinery designed to create an aerosol. For treatment of termites and other timber insects application is direct onto timber, the method to be determined according to the label.
There is little odour using Pounce 500. It is non-staining, biodegradable, photostable and is repellent for long periods. Pounce 500 provides a rapid knockdown and provides residual control and also exhibits a “flushing” action.